My Reading List

I've collected most of the following books from MBA reading lists I've found on the internet. I've linked to Perlego for books you can find there. Most of the other ones I bought in hard copy.

Books on this list are by no means an endorsement. To be honest, I leafed through one of the books here and thought "Yikes, I'm glad he's not around anymore" based on some extremely sexist comments.

I plan on reading through this list and stopping a book as soon as I feel I have learned what I can from it. Sometimes that means I read every page. Other times I skim, make a few notes and move on.

Here is my list in no particular order.

Currently Reading

To Read

Recently Read

The Software Engineer’s Guidebook
Navigating senior, tech lead, staff and principal positions at tech companies and startups.
Kill It with Fire
Kill It with Fire chronicles the challenges of dealing with aging computer systems, along with sound modernization strategies.